nursery group
sunny apartments, 100 sq. metre each, in the third and fourth floor of our building have been adapted for our youngest children as a montessori nursery. the equipment has been selected according to the needs of the children. the classrooms are divided into an area for montessori starter materials, a creative area, a play area and a rest area. there are also all the necessary sanitary arrangements, a kitchen and a large entrance hall. the garden may also be used on a regular basis by arrangement with the kindergarten team.
the pedagogical curriculum is founded on the basic principles of maria montessori and emmi pikler. the daily activities and the prepared environment are planned to further the independence and self confidence of the children, as well as respecting their individual development.
according to the age of the child, the major emphasis is placed upon materials that meet the movement needs of the child as well as natural and environmental material that enable free experimentation and play. the range of montessori materials from the area of practices in daily life is complemented by material from the area of exploring the senses as well as a great deal of room devoted to painting and handicrafts.
the pedagogues in the kindergarten are diploma-certified montessori and/or pikler teachers and assistants. the pupil-teacher ratio is dependent upon the age and composition of the group and the presence of the children.
eating and sleeping
in the montessori nursery, the children may eat and sleep according to their needs. in consultation with the parents, and from observing the child, the teacher will help the child to find a daily rhythm. the child receives fruit in the morning and will be offered a lunch at noon, that is prepared in our own kitchen and is tailored to meet the needs of the child. you can also provide your own food for your child (this has no effect, however, on the monthly fees).
cleanliness and potty training
as in other developmental areas, we recognise this sensitive phase and are able to offer the child the necessary help in potty training, seeing other children on the toilet and the possibility of running around without nappies. please bring nappies from home. we are happy to adopt and continue to use your customary method of putting the nappy on.
working together with the kindergarten
we endeavour to maintain a fruitful exchange between the nursery and the kindergarten, especially valuable for those children who will be going on to the kindergarten at the end of the year. we plan exchange visits of individual children and teachers, as well as common times in the garden.
cooperation from/with parents
close cooperation with the parents is imperative for the best possible development of the child. the parent evenings that take place inform you about the work of the kindergarten and give you the possibility, for example, to try out the montessori materials, with assistance, for yourself. a yearly scheduled parent meeting will inform you about your child in the kinderhaus and gives the possibility to exchange information about your child at home. over and above this, it is possible to arrange an individual interview with a pedagogue.
celebrating (open afternoons) throughout the year for parents with or without children in the nursery develop common experience in the kinderhaus. parent evenings and"stammtische" for our youngest children enable you to speak with the teachers and with other parents, as well as observing our pedagogical work.
we expect parents to become familiar with the basic premises of the montessori pedagogy and are very willing to help with explanatory literature and training possibilities.
snack/lunch (vegetarian)
we endeavour to provide balance and freshness in our meals. we offer your child homemade bread, fruit, muesli, vegetables (carrots, paprika) etc. as a snack. tea and water are available from the kindergarten.
lunches are prepared in our own kitchen according to the latest nutritional and dietary standards. fresh fruit and vegetables are priorities, as is the reduction of fat to an acceptable minimum. our goal, with your support, is to encourage a balanced nutritional attitude in the children.
settling in
the settling in phase is individual and lasts as long as your child needs it. it follows particular rules, however. the role of the parent in this settling in phase is reduced to being present. the child decides if and when he/she wants to go on a "discovery tour" with one of the pedagogues, or whether he/she just wants to watch. if, after a few, or maybe several days, you and your child are happy with the new situation, and after consultation with the teacher, you can leave the building for ever-increasing lengths of time.
because of the vital need of children to move freely, we request that you don't dress your child in tight fitting clothing. loose trousers with elastic waists, dungarees and short dresses enable your child to retain and develop his sense of his own body. please consider that your child plays with water and sand and creativity can leave its mark sometimes too. suitable clothing to go out into the garden, even in rain and snow, is essential for your child.
if your child is ill, we request for the sake of your child and the other children in the groups, that you give us as much information as possible. please bring your child back to the group only after he/she has completely recovered and is no longer infectious. we cannot and may not give any medications in the montessori kinderhaus.
in the case of injury, which can sometimes occur during the supervised time, we will first contact the parents or the contact person noted on the child's information form. only if these contacts are unavailable, we will visit a doctor or a hospital if it is necessary. for small injuries, such as scratches and grazes, we will clean these with water and, if necessary, cover them with a porous bandage or plaster.